Mailjet: How to use Mailjet to Create an Email Newsletter
An email newsletter is a form of an email sent to a subscriber list by businesses or individuals.
Table of Contents
- What is an email newsletter?
- What is the best way to build an email newsletter that is effective?
- Establish your priorities and targets.
- Identify a target audience
- Determine basic objectives
- Use the right platform for your newsletter
- What is the best email service provider?
- What is the easiest way to get started with Mailjet?
- General Configuration
- Sender domains & addresses
- Sending Domain Authentication
- Credentials (API and SMTP)
- About the Mailjet API
- Authentication
- Wrappers
- Official Mailjet PHP Wrapper
- Installation
- Make your first call
What is an email newsletter?
An email newsletter is a form of an email sent to a subscriber list by businesses or individuals. Current or prospective clients who have signed up and given clear permission to accept marketing messages from your company should be included in the list. Regularly delivered email updates contain useful material such as tutorials, blog posts, commentary, product reviews, personal recommendations, tips, announcements, and other tools.
Newsletters are an important part of any email marketing campaign because they help organizations to cultivate their connections by identifying themselves as business experts, exchanging expertise, and promoting new items that will boost traffic to their websites.
What is the best way to build an email newsletter that is effective?
Establish your priorities and targets.
First and foremost, you must understand that you chose to use a newsletter prototype before you can begin creating one. To make sure you’re delivering the correct messages, consider the following considerations.
Identify a target audience
The effectiveness of your campaign relies on your ability to identify your target demographic. To be able to deliver value and submit emails that cater to your audience, you must first consider what needs and desires your future readers have.
So remember who you want to reach out to with your emails. Consider factors such as demographics, location, and hobbies. It can be difficult to define your target audience when you’re trying to attract a global audience, but segmenting your list can help you send more valid emails.
Determine basic objectives
What are the targets for your email newsletter campaign? Some businesses start emails to direct visitors to their websites, while others choose to boost revenue in their online store or invite people to important events.
Use the right platform for your newsletter
You’ll need to find a newsletter solution that lets you create, send, and review email campaigns before you can start making newsletters.
The issue is that there are several competent newsletter options available, which can be both a good and bad thing for senders. On the one hand, you have a lot of options when it comes to email services. Vetting them, on the other hand, maybe a difficult challenge.
What is the best email service provider?
Here is a list of the 8 best email marketing services for small businesses:
You’ll probably want to start having more email subscribers after you’ve chosen an email marketing program for your business. We use and recommend Mailjet. It’s a versatile conversion analytics toolkit that can help you transform website visitors that are about to leave into email subscribers and clients.
What is the easiest way to get started with Mailjet?
There are three easy ways to get started with Mailjet. Each of them is useful in its own right, and they can be used in combination to handle the entire email lifecycle.
- Using Mailjet’s online resources to send out newsletters.
- Send via SMTP
- Send using Mailjet API
General Configuration

Sender domains & addresses
In the “from” area of your emails, you can use up to 100 separate sender addresses or domains. When you validate an entire domain (for example, @yourcompany.com), you can submit from any address connected with that domain without having to validate each one individually. It’s important to remember that data for emails received from the same domain would be merged. Validate each address separately to see individual statistics.
Sending Domain Authentication
Configure all of your domains’ SPF and DKIM settings.
Credentials (API and SMTP)
Use the API or SMTP relay to send transactional emails or marketing promotions.
About the Mailjet API
REST is used to coordinate the Mailjet API. It uses HTTP response codes to show API errors and has predictable, resource-oriented URLs. Both request and answer bodies, including errors, are encoded in JSON.
HTTPS Basic Login is used to authenticate all requests to the Email API endpoints. For each API request, you must have a username and password.
Your API Key is the username, and your API Secret Key is the password; both can be found on your API Key Management tab. When you build an account, all keys are created automatically.
Mailjet is compliant with the most commonly used programming languages.
Official Mailjet PHP Wrapper
This repository contains the official PHP wrapper for the Mailjet API.
Use the below code to install the wrapper (install the wrapper in your main theme folder if you are using WordPress):
composer require mailjet/mailjet-apiv3-php
// Add this to you your functions.php file and you are good to go
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
Make your first call
use Mailjet\Client;
use Mailjet\Resources;
wp_mailjet_mail([email protected], 'Your subject', 'Your message body');
function wp_mailjet_mail($email, $subject, $message) {
$mj = new Client(get_option( '_mailjet_api_key' ), get_option( '_mailjet_api_secret' ), true, ['version' => 'v3.1']);
$body = [
'Messages' => [
'From' => [
'Email' => get_option( '_mailjet_sender_email' ),
'Name' => get_option( '_mailjet_sender_name' )
'To' => [
'Email' => $email,
'Name' => $email
'Subject' => $subject,
'TextPart' => $message,
'HTMLPart' => $message,
'CustomID' => "AppGettingStartedTest"
$response = $mj->post(Resources::$Email, ['body' => $body]);
// $response->success() && var_dump($response->getData());