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The wp_hash_password() function in WordPress is used to hash a plain text password securely.

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The wp_hash_password() function in WordPress is used to hash a plain text password securely. It is commonly used when storing user passwords in the WordPress database to ensure they are not stored in plain text, enhancing security.

wp_hash_password( string $password ): string


  • $password (string): The plain text password to be hashed.


  • A hashed string that represents the input password.


Here’s how you might use the function:

$password = 'mysecurepassword';
$hashed_password = wp_hash_password( $password );

echo $hashed_password;
// Output: A hashed string.

Key Features

  1. Hashing Algorithm: WordPress uses the PHP password_hash() function internally (if available) or a fallback to a secure hashing method.
  2. One-Way Hash: The output cannot be reversed to get the original password.
  3. Secure: Ensures compatibility with modern cryptographic standards.

Use Case

This function is primarily used during user registration or password reset processes to hash the user’s password before saving it in the database.

  • wp_check_password(): Verifies if a given password matches the hashed password stored in the database.
wp_check_password( string $password, string $hash, int $user_id = '' ): bool

This ensures safe password handling in your WordPress applications.